Bowdler Family History Society

Various Bowdlers have independently worked on their genealogy in the past, including my father Terry Bowdler and myself, Ian Bowdler.

In 1986 my father wrote an article published in the Shropshire Magazine regarding our Bowdler history. He received quite a few replies from fellow Bowdlers. Following on from this they decided in 1987 to form the Bowdler Family History Society, research the all instances of the Bowdler name and find as many family links as they could. They met at a hotel in Shrewsbury and agreed to hold annual meetings. While there were only 6 members present at the first meeting (some could not attend) , there were 56 attendees at the second meeting in 1988. The meetings continued each year until 1999.

Over the years the core members prepared many genealogical charts which linked modern Bowdlers with existing Bowdler pedigrees and corresponded with Bowdler descendants all over the world.

The founder members were:

  • Hugh Bowdler – The member of this group who had been researching the longest.  Descended from the Chirbury line.
  • Paul Bowdler Keene – Cousin of Hugh Bowdler and also descended from the Chirbury line.
  • William G. Bowdler – Born in Argentina but lived in Virginia, USA. Bill was descended from the Madeley line.
  • Terry Bowdler – Descended from the Madeley line. Original registrant of the Bowdler Study with the Guild of One-Name Studies.
  • John C. A. Bowdler – Descended from the Chirbury line, John’s main interest was historical research into the early Bowdlers/de Boulers.
  • Keith Bowdler – Although resident in Australia, Keith was born in Ebbw Vale, South Wales and descends from the Madeley line.
  • T. W. E. (Ed) Bowdler – Lived in Florida and born in New Jersey, USA, his father came from Shrewsbury.  He was descended from the Montgomery line.
  • Ian Bowdler – Son of Terry. Current registrant of the Bowdler Study with the Guild of One-Name Studies. Trying to digitise all of the information gathered by the society… and also manage this website.

I am keen to preserve, share and continue the work started by the Society so would like to hear from anyone interested in the Bowdler Study.